
e-Leader (3)

During the pass weekends, I came across a recuitment ad of Public Enterprise. Search for a Managing Director. I also read an article in Businessweek about ‘The 21st Century Corporation’. They have given me an interesting idea about leadership. I took the following except of the specific requirements for the Managing Director position of Public Enterprise from Thai Newspaper.

1. Experience and knowledge in managing a large, organization, public or private enterprises, with an annual turnover of more than Bt150 billion or used to be in the Director-General position or equivalent from the government sector.

2. Candidate from Thai public enterprise must hold a position not lower than-Deputy Managing Director.

3. A well rounder, with high decision making capability, ability to order and set up policy as commissioned from the company’s committee and the government.

4. Strong visionary and interpersonal skill, interact and coordinate at international level.

As the theme of this article is to provide a tangible picture of the qualifications and competency of an e-leader, I wish I could be as specific as possible. So, when shopping for a new CEO, the organization must realize that.

1. To lead a future global organization, a leader needs to have international background. Working experiences in many parts of the world would be a great asset. The leader should be proficient in at least 3 languages i.e. English, Spanish, Mandarin and the internet language.

2. A leader without the motivation to know, to learn, to posses web skills which it enables him/her to access and use information is heading to a critical point in his/her. He/she can’t leave these skills to the secretary alone.

3. A leader sets the vision. The next ranking executives make that vision real. An ability to find the right direction for the business which becomes a guideline for every employee is, therefore, the focal point of success.

As Dotcom business has essentially removed a wall that used to separate domestic from international operation, the e-leader has inevitably become a Chief of Globalization. The customers want to know that your organization is a world class player because they are too. The customers are expecting the same level of service, at their home market or elsewhere in the world. World class organization moves the information at the speed of light through their network of organization. If the business losses its overseas market, the result is as destructive as losing the market at home. Many international organizations have generated considerable portion of total sales revenues from their overseas business: GE 13%, Wal-Mart 13.8%, McDonald 61.5%, Nokia 97.6%, and Toyota 49.5% (the 1999’s figures from S&P Company Reports). So a simple conclusion is drawn for every e-leader, “go global or close your business”.

In the previous two articles, e-leader 1&2, I tried to explain and summarize the qualifications and characteristics of the e-leader and the mechanic of creating one successfully. Above, I again provide the actual requirements of the Managing Director of Thai Public Enterprise. Now you have already had a clear picture of what kind of a leader is sought after even if my definition of an e-leader is quite restricted to the leader in Dotcom-typed organization of those engaging heavily in e-Business or the organization of the 21st Century. Now, I wish to conclude the qualifications of an e-leader from a research survey of Thomas. J. Neff and James M. Cirtin from ‘Lessons from the Top (1999)’. This survey summarized the leadership qualifications of four persons who are currently leading the world’s leading corporations : Jack Welch (GE), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Any Groove (Intel), and Lui Grestner (IBM). These people posses the following qualifications:

1) They emphasize on long-term performance
2) They have strong visionary and strategic skills.
3) They have the ability to overcome challenge.
4) They are both a leader to their organization and their people.
5) They have high integrity and outstanding qualification.
6) They have a sense of business ownership/entrepreneurial spirit.
7) They can spot the affects their businesses are having on industry, business, and society.
8) They have a history of striking a new innovation.
9) They are customer-oriented.10) They are determined and devoted to the growth of the business.

You already know the characteristics of the e-leader for the future organization. Next, you may want to know how to measure the success of the e-leader. Normally, there are two major measurement indexes available:

1. Measuring four perspectives of organization success using KPIs : finance, customer, operation, and learning and growth.
2. Measuring specific leadership competency: customer-oriented, leadership status, communications, team work, flexibility, and goal-oriented.
By now you know why the e-leader is rare. The next article will bring an end to the e-leader series.

Dr.Danai Thieanphut
Managing Director
DNTConsultants Co.,Ltd.

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