
HR Transmutation

What does HR Transmutation means?

Transmutation of species was a term used by a French botanist and invertebrate zoologist- Jean Baptiste Lamarck in 1809 for his theory that described the altering of one species into another.

Lamarck believed that in every organism there exist a 'tendency to progression', a principle that creation is in a constant state of advancement. It was an innate quality of nature that organisms constantly 'improved' by successive generation. Change occurred because an animal passed on to its offspring physiological changes it had undergone in its own lifetime, and those changes came about by its responding to its survival needs.

For example, the need for wading birds to feed on fish and keep their bodies dry gave rise to their long legs and webbed feet as they would unconsciously adopt the habit of stretching their legs to their full extent. This trait would be passed on to the next generation until over many generations the wading birds'legs became those of the pelican. Conversely, the disuse of an organ would cause it to wither and disappear, which explained how snakes lost their legs.

When we compare evolution of species with that of evolution of workplace policies and practices related to human resources, we find a strange correlation between them.... a need for inheritance of acquired characteristics in order to survive. It is this assumption that prompted SHRI Research Centre to coin the term HR Transmutation.

HR Transmutation refers to the necessity to relook and overhaul HR processes and practices. Since transmutation is an Universal act and not an individual change, it is about changing mindset of business/HR leaders...a change that will probably start from the core and percolate in multiple directions.

The current economic churning has made it explicitly clear that industry is not just facing another downturn but it is accompanied by impactful structural, demographic and mindset changes across industry and top management cannot afford to respond with anything less than a complete overhaul of the system to survive and sustain.

From : Brain Teaser, http://www.shri.org.sg/_brainteaser_HRT.asp

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