
Top 10 Management Tools

Since 1993, Bain & Company's global Management Tools and Trends surveys have been an excellent gauge of the business climate. That remains true today. In an extraordinary time, the 2009 questionnaire produced a telling set of findings.

Benchmarking, a cost-cutting tool, was the most heavily used among the 25 tools surveyed. Outsourcing, another way to reduce costs, jumped to No. 4, while Business Process Reengineering remained on the Top Ten list. As another indication of where executives feel their companies are headed, the vast majority-88 percent-of those who downsized in 2008 plan more cuts in 2009. And only 24 percent of executives believe that today's market leaders will still lead in five years.

Top 10 Mgt Tools
2.Strategic Planning
3.Mission and Vision Statements
7.Customer Segmentation
8.Business Process Reengineering
9.Core Competencies
10.Merger & Acquisition

There's also regional variation-and a wake-up call-in that hopefulness: Managers in Asia's emerging economies are much more focused on growth and innovation than their counterparts in North America.

From Management Tools for turbulent times
Results Brief newsletter 06/12/09
by Darrell Rigby and Barbara Bilodeau

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